Generally, in my opinion, the so-called “clinical trials” are pure hogwash.
Here's the foundation of the problem: Most people (and companies) use research just like a drunk uses a lamppost – for support and not illumination! The research quoted in the hoodia ads may shed a little light on the efficacy of hoodia. But it's more often used to prop up outrageous claims.
Instead of illuminating the potential benefits of hoodia, advertisers obscure the real value of this product by promoting useless scientific claims.
While I might not agree with or endorse all of the information on any web site I mention, I am grateful for one that led me to identify the earliest hoodia study which resulted in a U.S. Patent application.
'The first hoodia clinical trials, started with the CSIR research team at South Africa back in the 90s. Such research is the base for the claims made under the patent 6376657 filed at the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) in 1999, and granted to a group of CSIR researchers headed by Van heerden and others." (Source:
The successful patent application also provides guidelines concerning appropriate daily does of this plant extract. This leads the writer/s at that web site to conclude: "Above comments confirm our suggestion to take a hoodia dosage of 1200 mg a day, specially when you are obese or overweight."
I read the patent application and couldn't really identity a proper dosage for this product, or extract or whatever. Further, why would you take any amount of this weight loss aid if you weren't overweight?
Here's another quote from a different site:
“To their amazement research conducted by scientists at the South African Centre for Scientific and Industrial Research showed the Hoodia gordonii cactus contains a miracle molecule that kills the appetite and attacks obesity, is organic, with no chemicals added and no known side effects. The previously unknown magic molecule was named P.57.”
Wouldn't you also be amazed by a “miracle molecule?”
The clinical study most referenced by advertisers is one conducted by Phytopharm plc. As stated in Phytopharm's own literature, it's business “is to take both simple and complex mixtures derived from plant sources into full pharmaceutical development." The Phytopharm study on humans was so convincing that a major pharmaceutical company bought the worldwide development and distribution rights.
Phytopharm announced they were starting a human clinical trial on a “miracle molecule” called P57 in a press release dated March 7, 2001. They announced in another press release dated December 5, 2001 that the study was completed successfully. The company stated, “Preliminary data also indicate a statistically significant reduction in body fat content in the P57 group compared with the placebo group at the conclusion of dosing.”
Here's how another advertiser reports this clinical study.
"Later, a human clinical trial was conducted by scientists in Leicester England. A group of morbidly obese men and women participated. Half the group were given hoodia and half were given a placebo. At the end of (the trial), the group on hoodia had reduced their food intake by 1000 calories a day. Given the average daily diet is around 2200 calories, this was a stunning success."
It was a "stunning success." Are you ready for the punch line?
All of the Phytopharm clinical trial hoopla about hoodia involved a grand total of 9 volunteers who took hoodia for...(drum roll here)...15 days. (Another 9 volunteers received a placebo.) So all the hoodia hype has been based on a “statistically significant reduction in body fat content in the P57 group” of 9 people over 15 days.
I wouldn't base any buying decision on what happpened to 9 people in England over a 15 day period. Am I off base here?
So, forget all the clinical trial hype. Here's what I think: Do your own clinical trial.
Hoodia products seem to really help an awful lot of men and women fighting the daily battle of the bulge. There seems to be a preponderance of anecdotal (testimonial) evidence that a hoodia product will help suppress the appetite of many people. Talk to a medical professional before adding anything to your regimen. Then try one of the products and see if it helps you. That's all that matters.