It's almost unbelievable that the most weight-obsessed society would look up to a really fat man as a cultural icon. No matter how you dress him up, Santa is a fat pig. Yes, that's my position.

Santa is problematic. Not only does he like to publicly showcase his obesity, he laughs about it all the time (in public). He perpetrates the stereotype that fat people are jolly. He has been seen with his belly jiggling like a bowl full of jelly. Hey, it only jiggles like that when he laughs. The jolly thing again. I guarantee you it jiggles at other times too.
Don't even start with me about coming down the chimney. This guy would feel lucky if if could get through a sliding glass door!
Not only is Santa a fat person, but he is in all probability a fat felon. Somebody who tiptoes around my house in the middle of the night would give me the creeps. When he comes into houses and drops off a few toys, you can't tell me he's not hiding some family silver in that criminal costume (more about that in a minute) when he leaves. Did you know Santa is known by many different names?
In the US, he's called Santa. Other common, well know aliases includes Saint Nicholas, Saint Nick, Father Christmas, Santa, Santy and Kris Kringle. Germans know him by Weihnachtsmann ("Christmas Man" or "Nikolaus"). Russians call him Ded Moroz ("Grandfather Frost"). He's got to be a felon on the lam.
Just look at the way he dresses! From head to toe in (what?) red velvet with white fur? Is his suit made from curtains out of a bordello? Is that fur real? Where is PETA when you really need them?
It's disturbing to think about his relationship with children. Little boys and girls are supposed to sit on his lap and ask for gifts....really? First of all, because of all that weight, they'd have to sit on his knee. Probably way down on it so his kneecap would get dislocated all day long. It's clear that Santa - or whatever his real name is - has a great deal of influence over all the children of the world. What is the purpose of that? Is there an evil plan we don't know about? Does he want to lead them down the wrong path of life? Will some children be scarred for life by being labeled "naughty?"
For these reasons and many more too sordid to publish, I award Santa the "2009 Public Poster Person for Obesity."

I'm proposing a complete makeover for Kris Kringle. Let's get a group together for an intervention. I suggest he goes from fat cultural icon to the globe's biggest loser. A symbol known worldwide for his philanthropic works and his incredibly buff figure. Check it out below. Wouldn't you invite him to hang around your tree and fireplace? Forget the milk and cookies and go for some brandy?
What do you think? C'mon. Join the movement! Make some noise. Speak up.